Here is my menu for this week:
And yes, we are really having octopus - William's request! I've never prepared octopus before, so wish me luck! I'm sure you will all hear how it turns out - good or bad! Cooking is an adventure and I am, more than anything, so pleased that my children have the interest to try something new (and a bit out of the norm!)
One of the best parts about creating a menu is getting my family's input on what they have been craving or what their favorite dishes are. My sons are the ones who usually challenge me to cook something that I haven't before- but when I pick their favorites, their eyes light up with pure pleasure. (This Wednesday is Aiden's favorite, simple yet delicious!)
A tip - I try to alternate proteins throughout the days, I give us one pasta day and Saturdays and Sundays are longer cooking days since weekends can be less harried in the evenings, sans homework crunch, etc. This week we are salad heavy (which is a good thing) - I think that's our Post-Super Bowl Bellies talking!
If you have cookbooks, break them out! Or, hopefully, you give some of my recipes a whirl too! Try those dishes that always intrigued you but you might have always shied away from. The best advise I can give any one is HAVE FUN IN COOKING! Stay tuned this week for some requested recipes! Cheers!
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