Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How does your garden grow...

I've been a bit quiet on the blog as holidays and long weekends passed in all our households. It's crazy to think we are only days away from March which includes, St. Patrick's Day, the beginning of Spring, and plans for Easter! 

This is also the time that my family and I start planning our garden. What hte heck does this have to do with cooking? EVERYTHING! Come summer, I hardly buy a single vegetable or fruit - I just go pick them fresh!

My husband, thank goodness, enjoys the manual labor that helps our harvest come to fruition... I lucked out in finding someone who enjoys it as much as I do! He was taught how to garden by his grandfather, so we make sure our kids know how to do it too! 

Even though it's a bit early we jumped at the chance to pick up some early plants at the nursery this year we will have:

Tomatoes -
   Early Girl
Corn - Sweet White
Cucumber - Pickling 
Onions - Sweet Yellow 
Artichokes (existing)
Asparagus (existing)
Peach (existing)
Blackberry (existing)
Almond (existing)
Pepper - Anaheim
Chamomile - I have no idea how to make my own tea... YET!
Stevia - have no idea what I'm doing here, either! 
English Thyme
Italian Oregano
Sweet Basil
Spearmint (existing)
Strawberries (existing)
Figs (existing)
   Thompson (existing)
   Flame (existing)
   Concord (existing)

I am glad that my Dad was someone who loved to grow a garden! I am also very glad that I listened and let it become something close to my heart! I see his pride and happiness when he sees our garden and vines thriving - I also see him anxious to help and take part in it too! Tradition is important... even if that means you are the one that starts it! 

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